The Fourthnightly News 06/06/22
The Summer Fair is on Saturday the 2nd July. The theme will be the Platinum Jubilee and the Events Team are organising this special day. Also, one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. We will need lots of help on the day and the week before to set up. Please put the date in your diary and be ready when you are asked “What can you do for the Summer Fair?”
Dates for your Diary in June.
- Weds 8th 2030 Events team meeting
- Fri 17th 1830 Guides on the field
- Mon 20th 2000 AGM in the hall
- Tues 21st 0900 Cheam Common Jnrs
- Sat 25th 1000 Work Morning
- 4th July Sat 2nd Noon Summer Fair